
The R&D potential of EREL can be summarized in the following indicators over the last three-year period (2005-2007):

1) Personnel
EREL staff includes more than 15 highly qualified researchers and specialized scientists. The vast majority of the staff possesses postgraduate degrees.  EREL is also undertaking the training of young scientists in the main areas of its activities. Under the supervision of EREL members, currently more than eight students are working towards their doctorate in cooperation with higher education institutions in Greece (e.g. University of Athens, National Technical University of Athens).


Main Activities

Atmospheric Modelling

Meteorology, Emissions Inventory, Dispersion, CFD, GIS, Environmental Management

Atmospheric Measurements

PM, VOC, PAH, NOx, Ozone, SOx, etc.

Hydrogen Storage

Nanostructured materials (metal doped carbons, MOF, hydrates, metal hydrides, etc.)

Hydrogen Safety

Dispersion of Hydrogen, CFD codes, RCS


Research management, Administration, IT

2) Publications
The personnel of EREL produces constantly more than 20 publications per year in referred scientific journals, and more than 30 papers in conference proceedings. The ISI Impact Factor of the publications reached a total of 42.419 for 2007, which constitutes almost 100% increase compared to 2005 (Figure 2). For the current year (2008) already 9 papers have been published or accepted for publication.

Figure 2. Number of papers published by EREL personnel (2008 including February)

3) R&D projects and Services
The main income of EREL is from R&D projects from European, National and Regional Research Funds. The Laboratory also offers advanced research services to the industry (in Greece and abroad). During the last 3 years EREL has participated in 29 projects as summarized below:

EU Funding

National Funding

Regional Funding

Integrated Projects   

Accreditation EN 17025

Operational Program of Attica on the “mapping of PM and population exposure in Attica”

Network of Excellence

Joint research – industry activities

Several FP6 STREP projects

International Collaboration

FP7 Small Scale Collaborative project

Regional Innovation Pole of Western Macedonia

Operational Program of Western Greece on the “modelling of photochemical processes to predict air pollution”

Coordination and Supporting Actions

Promotion of R&D results


Greek-Slovenian S&T collaboration

4) Distinctions and awards
In the last year (2007) the following have been awarded for research conducted in EREL facilities

  • 4 Doctorate Diplomas
  • 1 Postgraduate Diploma Thesis
  • 2 Diploma Theses

The scientific staff of EREL assists in the review process of several international journals (Atmos. Environ., Bound. Layer Meteor., Chem. Eng. Comm., Int. J. Energy Research, J. Interf. Colloid Sci., J. Investigative Dermatology, J. Hazardous Mater., J. Heat Trans., JAWMA, Langmuir, SPEJ, Envir. Sci. Techn.).
EREL staff organizes international conferences and is repeatedly invited (as external experts) by the EC and other forums for the evaluation of R&D proposals. Also EREL personnel has been invited as keynote speakers in several international conferences, quoting the two most recent:
A.K. Stubos, “EC Hydrogen Storage Activities” EU-Russia H2+FC workshop, Moscow, 25 Sept 2007
A.G. Venetsanos, “CFD for RCS”, 2nd International Conference on Hydrogen Safety, San Sebastian Spain, September, 2007.

5) Patents
Advanced Arc-Melting Device for the Rapid Solidification of Melted Alloys, Patent 20060100532, September 2006
A meta doped carbonaceous foam with increased hydrogen storage gravimetric capacity at room temperature, to be filed in April 2008 (in cooperation with SwRI, USA)

6) Existing collaborations
During the course of EREL has developed a broad range of cooperation with Public and Private Organisations both within and outside Greece. 
EREL is actively participating in the following scientific networks:

  • EREL represents NCSR Demokritos in ENERO (European Network of Environmental Research Organizations).
  • Founding member of the network “Harmonisation of dispersion models in Europe”.
  • Member of ERCOFTAC (European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and Combustion).
  • Member of the Board of “Mediterranean Scientific Association for Environmental Protection”(MESAEP)
  • Representing Greece in European and international bodies (COST, IEA-HIA Task 22 and Task 19,ACPM).
  • CEN/TC 264/ WG15 “Reference gravimetric measurements method for the determination of PM2.5 mass fraction of suspended particulate matter and ambient air”

EREL offers services through contracts to a number of Greek, European (Norway) and overseas (Hong Kong) industries, institutes and consulting firms.

Click to download the 2011 report
