The Laboratory of Thermal Hydraulics & Multiphase Flow (THEMLab) is part of the Institute of Nuclear & Radiology Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety (INRASTES) of the National Centre for Scientific Research 'Demokritos'.
The group of THEMLab has a very diversified field of interest, from nuclear safety and nanotechnology to health sciences and thermal processes. We are interested in flow of particles in the aforementioned systems and we study theses flows by either developing tools for the numerical simulation of multiphase flows or by using commercially available softwares. We are primarily engaged in software development for modelling of bioflows ranging from modelling of particle biodistribution and doses in target organs to modelling of blood flow in complex geometries. Recently, focus is also given on thermal processes and heat transformation cycles, such as heat pumps for domestic and industrial applications and integrated energy solutions for the building sector.
Overall our research activities include:
THEMLab is very active in educational activities. Since the foundation of the Laboratory, 4 Doctoral Dissertations have been conducted, as well as 5 Diploma Theses and several internships, in collaboration with Greek and other European Universities and/or Research Centres. In addition, several under- and post-graduate students have been trained in the software of THEMLab.
Key research infrastructure of THEMLab includes an advanced IBM computer cluster (CPU-farm) THALES (THermofluid & Aero-bio-colloidal Large-scale Engineering Simulations), which permits parallel processes and is linked with an exclusive optical fiber to the grid infrastructure (grid site GR-05-Demokritos).