Projects Publications Members Contact

Marika Pilou

Mechanical Engineer, MSc, PhD

Reactor's Isobox, NSCR "Demokritos"

+30 210 6503700

Research Interests

  • Computational Fluid-Particles Dynamics (CFPD)
  • Eulerian methodology for particle transport and deposition
  • Numerical Modelling of Fine and Ultrafine Particles in the Respiratory and Cardiovascular Systems
  • Aerosol modelling
  • External processes (convection, diffusion, inertia, external force fields etc.) of particles populations
  • Numerical Estimation of Occupational Exposure to Particles
  • Internal dose assessment from occupational exposure to particulate matter
  • Modelling energy systems in buildings

Computer Skills

    Programming languages
  • Python
  • LaTeX
  • HTML
  • CSS
    Operating Systems
  • Windows
  • UNIX
  • MS Office
  • Open Office
  • Tecplot
  • ANSYS-Fluent


  • Greek
  • English
  • German


Doctoral Dissertation in Mechanical Engineering
May 2007 – Jul 2012

School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA in collaboration with the Institute of Nuclear & Radiological Sciences & Technology, Energy & Safety of NCSR "Demokritos"

Inter-University Postgraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering (MSc)
2005 - 2007

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Patras in collaboration with the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Mechanical Engineering of NTUA

  • MSc Thesis: Methodology and algorithm for 3D reconstruction of the geometry of vessels from biplane angiographic views
  • Supervisor: S. Tsangaris (NTUA Prof.)

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering
1999 - 2005

School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece

  • Diploma Thesis: Experimental study of valveless pumping in a closed loop configuration
  • Supervisor: D. Mathioulakis (NTUA Assoc. Prof.)


Post-Doc Research Associate
Dec 2023 - Present

Post-doctoral research associate at Nuclear Engineering Department, School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA.

Post-Doc Research Associate
May 2013 - Present

Post-doctoral research associate at THEMLab, NSCR “Demokritos”.

Research Assistant
Apr 2007 - Sep 2012

Post-graduate research assistant at THEMLab, NSCR “Demokritos”.

Teaching Assistant
Apr 2010 - Feb 2016

Collaboration and co-supervision of diploma theses at the Laboratory of Biofluid Mechanics and Biomedical Engineering, School of Mechanical Engineering, NTUA

  • J. Karytinos, Dose evaluation for preschool and school age children exposed to suspended particles (Apr 2014 - Feb 2016)
  • J. Voulgaris, Modelling of transport and deposition of particles dispersed in a liquid medium under the influence of external magnetic fields (Apr 2012 – Oct 2012)
  • V. Antonopoulos, Computational study of fluid – particles flow in bifurcations using an Eulerian approach (Apr 2010 – Oct 2011)



Best Bioengineering paper award at the 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE), October 26-28 2020, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Jan 2020 - Dec 2021

Post doctoral research Scholarship awarded by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation.

Apr 2007 – Sep 2011

The Doctoral Dissertation was funded by a Scholarship from National Centre for Scientific Research "Demokritos".

Research Projects

Respiratory Tract Dosimetry
Jan 2020 - Dec 2022

Integrated Respiratory Tract Dosimetry Software (IKY-2019-050-0503-17219)

May 2019 - present

Renewables for clean energy buildings in a future power system (H2020-LC-SC3-RES-4-2018-814865)

May 2017 - Oct 2019

European Centre for Risk Management and Safe Innovation in Nanomaterials & Nanotechnologies (NMBP-27-2016-723623)

May 2013 – Apr 2015

Innovative strategies, methods and tools for occupational risks management of manufactured nanomaterials (MNMs) in the construction industry (NMP.2011.1.3-2-280535)

Apr 2008 – Mar 2012

Development of methodology for alternative testing strategies for the assessment of the toxicological profile of nanoparticles used in medical diagnostics (HEALTH-2007-201335)

Apr 2008 – Mar 2012

European Network on the Health and Environmental Impact of Nanomaterials (CSA-CA 218539)

Scientific Associations

  • Technical Chamber of Greece (103621)
  • Hellenic Association for Aerosol Research (HAAR)

Publications - Conference Announcements

Peer Reviewed Scientific Journals
  1. D. Mitrakos, M. Pilou, S. King and A. Dehbi, An Eulerian CFD study for aerosol formation in a turbulent jet using the sectional method and a size-dependent particle surface tension, Journal of Aerosol Science 2025, 184: 106520
  2. B.V. Mbuwir, D. Geysen, G. Kosmadakis, M. Pilou, G. Meramveliotakis and H. Toersche, Optimal control of a heat pump-based energy system for space heating and hot water provision in buildings: Results from a field test, Energy and Buildings 2024, 310: 114116
  3. M. Mylonaki, M. Gini, M. Georgopoulou, M. Pilou, E. Chalvatzaki, S. Solomos, E. Diapouli, E. Giannakaki, M. Lazaridis, S.N. Pandis, A. Nenes, K. Eleftheriadis and A.Papayannis, Wildfire and African dust aerosol oxidative potential, exposure and dose in the human respiratory tract, Science of the Total Environment 2024, 913: 169683
  4. M. Pilou, G. Kosmadakis and G. Meramveliotakis, Modeling of an Integrated Renewable-Energy-Based System for Heating, Cooling, and Electricity for Buildings, Energies 2023, 16(12): 4691
  5. M. Pilou, G. Kosmadakis, G. Meramveliotakis and A. Krikas, Towards a 100% renewable energy share for heating and cooling in office buildings with solar and geothermal energy, Solar Energy Advances 2022; 2: 100020
  6. T. Faria, I. Cunha-Lopes, M. Pilou, C. Housiadas, X. Querol, C. Alves and S.M. Almeida, Children's exposure to size-fractioned particulate matter: Chemical composition and internal dose, Science of the Total Environment 2022; 823
  7. M. Pilou, Aerosol Particle Deposition in the Lungs: Effect of Breathing Patterns, 20th International Conference on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering (BIBE), October 26-28 2020, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA: 411-416
  8. M. Almeida-Silva, M. Pilou, C. Housiadas and S.M. Almeida, Internal dose of particles in the elderly—modeling based on aerosol measurements, Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018; 25(24): 23645-23656
  9. M. Pilou, C. Vaquero-Moralejo, M. Jaén, J. Lopez De Ipiña Peña, P. Neofytou and C. Housiadas, Modelling of occupational exposure to accidentally released manufactured nanomaterials in a production facility and calculation of internal doses by inhalation, International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 2016; 22(3): 249-258
  10. J.M. López de Ipiña, C. Vaquero, D. Boutry, J.F. Damlencourt, P. Neofytou, M. Pilou, E. Jankowska, I. Larraza, R. Pina, S. Fernández, S. Contreras, A. Romero, M. Calderon, P. Swiezewsk, K. Otkallo, A. Pintea, C. Salazar, T. Oroz, B. Hargreaves, R. Ciobanu, A. Tabrea, B. Hazebrouck, O. Salvi, H. Stockmann-Juvala, V. Vaananen, D.H.Y. Pui, D. Thompson, Strategies, methods and tools for managing nanorisks in construction, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 617, 2015; 012035
  11. M. Pilou, O. Mavrofrydi, C. Housiadas, K. Eleftheriadis and P. Papazafiri, Computational modeling as part of alternative testing strategies in the respiratory and cardiovascular systems: Inhaled nanoparticle dose modeling based on representative aerosol measurements and corresponding toxicological analysis, Nanotoxicology 2015; 7(S): 113-122
  12. M. Dusinska, S. Boland, M. Saunders, L. Juillerat-Jeanneret, L. Tran, G. Pojana, A. Marcomini, K. Volkovova, J. Tulinska, L.E. Knudsen, L. Gombau, M. Whelan, A.R. Collins, F. Marano, C. Housiadas, D. Bilanicova, B. Halamoda Kenzaoui, S. Correia Carreira, Z. Magdolenova, , L.M. Fjellsbø, A. Huk, R. Handy, L. Walker, M. Barancokova, A. Bartonova, E. Burello, J. Castell, H. Cowie, M. Drlickova, R. Guadagnini, G. Harris, M. Harju, E.S. Heimstad, M. Hurbankova, A. Kazimirova, Z. Kovacikova, M. Kuricova, A. Liskova, A. Milcamps, E. Neubauerova, T. Palosaari, P. Papazafiri, M. Pilou, M.S. Poulsen, B. Ross, E. Runden-Pran, E., K. Sebekova, M. Staruchova, D. Vallotto and A. Worth, Towards an alternative testing strategy for nanomaterials used in nanomedicine: Lessons from NanoTEST, Nanotoxicology 2015; 9(S1): 118-132
  13. E. Makris, M. Pilou, P. Neofytou, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Particle transport and deposition under high-frequency oscillatory ventilation and normal breathing, Aerosol Science and Technology 2014; 48(2): 150-162
  14. M. Pilou, A. Skiadopoulos, E. Makris, P. Neofytou and C. Housiadas, Computational study of particle deposition in patient specific geometries, 13th IEEE International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, IEEE BIBE 2013, art. no. 670169
  15. M. Pilou, V. Antonopoulos, E. Makris, P. Neofytou, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, A Fully Eulerian Approach to Particle Inertial Deposition in a Physiologically Realistic Bifurcation, Applied Mathematical Modelling 2012; 37: 5591-5605
  16. M. Pilou, S. Tsangaris, P. Neofytou, C. Housiadas and Y. Drossinos, Inertial particle deposition in a 90o laminar flow bend, Aerosol Science and Technology 2011; 45: 1376-1387
  17. M. Dusinska, L.M. Fjellsbø, Z. Magdolenova, A. Rinna, E. Runden Pran, A. Bartonova, E.S. Heimstad, M. Harju, L. Tran, B. Ross, L. Juillerat, B. Halamoda Kenzaui, F. Marano, S. Boland, R. Guadaginini, M. Saunders, L. Cartwright, S. Carreira, M. Whelan, C.H. Kelin, A. Worth, T. Palosaari, E. Burello, C. Housiadas, M. Pilou, K. Volkovova, J. Tulinska, A. Kazimirova, M. Barancokova, K. Sebekova, M. Hurbankova, Z. Kovacikova, L. Knudsen, M.S. Poulsen, T. Mose, M. Vilà, L. Gombau, B. Fernandez, J. Castell, A. Marcomini, G. Pojana, D. Bilanicova, and D. Vallotto, Testing strategies for the safety of nanoparticles used in medical applications, Nanomedicine 2009, 4: 605-607

Peer Reviewed International and European Conferences
  1. G. Meramveliotakis, G. Kosmadakis, M. Pilou and S. Karellas, Testing a Flexible Configuration of a Solar-Assisted Heat Pump with PVT Collectors for Domestic Hot Water Production, ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry (EuroSun2022), 25-29 September 2022, Kassel, Germany
  2. M. Mylonaki, M. Gini, M. Pilou, E. Chalvatzaki, A. Papayannis, K. Eleftheriadis, A. Nenes and M. Lazaridis,Wildland fire and windblown African dust aerosols’ deposition dose rates in the human respiratory system, 11th International Aerosol Conference, 4-9 September 2022, Athens, Greece
  3. M. Pilou, G. Kosmadakis, G. Meramveliotakis and A. Krikas, Towards a 100% renewable energy share for heating and cooling in office buildings with solar and geothermal energy, Proceedings of Solar World Congress 2021 (SWC2021), 25-29 October 2021 (virtual event)
  4. M. Pilou, G. Kosmadakis, G. Meramveliotakis and A. Krikas, Renewable Energy Based Systems with Heat Pumps for Supplying Heating and Cooling in Residential Buildings, The 34th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS2021), June 27-July 2 2021, Taormina, Italy
  5. G. Meramveliotakis, G. Kosmadakis, A. Krikas, J. Gomes and M. Pilou. Innovative Coupling of PVT Collectors with Electric-Driven Heat Pumps for Sustainable Buildings, 13th International Conference on Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry (Eurosun 2020), 1-3 September 2020, Athens, Greece
  6. I.A. Sakellaris, D. Saraga, M. Pilou, K.K. Kalimeri, C. Housiadas and J.G. Bartzis, Particulate matter size distribution measurements and estimation of particle deposition in the lung of people working in modern offices in Athens – OFFICAIR Project, Healthy Buildings 2015, 18-20 May 2015, Eidhoven
  7. M. Almeida-Silva, M. Pilou, C. Housiadas, H.T. Wolterbeek and S. M. Almeida, Daily dose of particulate matter in the elderly respiratory tract, 3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014), 24-26 September 2014, Porto
  8. M. Almeida-Silva, M. Pilou, T. Faria, C. Housiadas, H.T. Wolterbeek and S. M. Almeida, Elderly internal dose of particles: Modelling based on aerosol measurements, 3rd International Congress on Environmental Health (ICEH2014), 24-26 September 2014, Porto
  9. M. Almeida-Silva, M. Pilou, T. Faria, S. M. Almeida, C. Housiadas and H.T. Wolterbeek, Elderly daily exposure and internal dose of particles: Modelling based on personal aerosol, measurements, Indoor Air 2014, 7-12 July 2014, Hong Kong
  10. M. Pilou, T. Oroz, C. Vaquero Moralejo, P. Neofytou and C. Housiadas, A methodology to assess occupational exposure to MNMs by modelling, European Aerosol Conference, 1 - 6 September 2013, Prague
  11. M. Pilou, E. Makris, P. Neofytou, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Computational study of aerosol flow in a physiologically realistic bifurcation under the influence of an external magnetic field, European Aerosol Conference, 2 - 7 September 2012, Granada
  12. E. Makris, M. Pilou, P. Neofytou, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Particle deposition under transient high frequency ventilation air flow in a physiologically realistic bifurcation, European Aerosol Conference, 2 - 7 September 2012, Granada
  13. M. Pilou, V. Antonopoulos, E. Makris, P. Neofytou, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Computational Study of Particle Deposition in a Physiologically Realistic Bifurcation, 4th NanoImpactNet Integrating Conference and 1st QNano Integrating Conference, 27 February - 2 March 2012, Dublin
  14. M. Pilou, P. Neofytou, Y. Drossinos, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Modelling of particle inertial effects: Aerosol depositions in a 90o bend, Ref. No. 46, 7th GRACM international Congress on Computational Mechanics, 30 June - 2 July 2011, Athens
  15. M. Pilou, D. Saraga, S. Tsangaris, C. Vasilakos and C. Housiadas, Particle deposition in the lung during domestic activities, Abstract Number 754, International Aerosol Conference 2010, 29 August - 03 September, Helsinki
  16. M. Pilou, D. Saraga, P. Neofytou, C. Vasilakos and C, Housiadas, Internal dose estimation from particulate matter exposure in an office environment, Abstract Number P108, Nanotoxicology 2010, 2-4 June, Edinburgh
  17. M. Pilou, V. Gkanis, P. Neofytou, C. Housiadas, Computational study of aerosol flow in bifurcations, European Aerosol Conference, 6 – 11 September 2009, Karlsruhe, Germany
  18. M. Pilou, P. Neofytou, Y. Drossinos, S. Tsangaris and C. Housiadas, Effects of particles inertia in CFD-based aerosol modelling, European Aerosol Conference, 24 – 29 August 2008, Thessaloniki, Greece
  19. T. Manos, M. Pilou, D.P. Sokolis, C.A. Dimitriou, J.D. Kakisis, P.E. Karayannakos, and S. Tsangaris, Methodology and algorithm for 3D reconstruction of the geometry of vessels form biplane angiographic views, 3rd International Conference “From Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering”, 9 – 12 July 2008, Athens Greece
  20. M. Pilou, Ch. Manopoulos, D.S. Mathioulakis and S. Tsangaris, Experimental study of valvelesss pumping in a closed loop configuration, Proceeding of the 3rd IASME/WSEAS International Conference on FLUID DYNAMICS & AERODYNAMICS, 20 – 22 August 2005, Corfu, Greece