Giannissi page
Stella Giannissi graduated from the Chemical Enginnering Department at University of Patras. She gained her MSc degree at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) in the field of Computational Fluid Mechanics. She obtained her PhD from NTUA in co-operation with "N.C.S.R. Demokritos" in 2016. She is currently working as Research Associate in EU projects.
Publications: |
1 G.C. Efthimiou, P. Kumar, S.G. Giannissi, A.A. Feiz, S. Andronopoulos, ‘Prediction of the wind speed probabilities in the atmospheric surface layer’, J of Renewable Energy, 132, p. 921-930 (2019). 2 S. G. Giannissi and A.G. Venetsanos, ‘A comparative CFD assessment study of cryogenic hydrogen and LNG dispersion”, J of Hydrogen Energy , in press (2018). 3 I.C. Tolias, S.G. Giannissi, A.G. Venetsanos, J. Keenan, V. Shentsov, D. Makarov, S. Coldrick, A. Kotchourko, K. Ren, O. Jedicke, D. Melideo, D. baraldi, S. Slater, A. Duclos, F. Verbecke, V. Molkov, ‘Best practice guidelines in numerical simulations and CFD benchmarking for hydrogen safety applications’ , accepted in J of Hydrogen Energy (2018). 4 E.Stamatakis, A.Yiotis, S.Giannissi, I.Tolias, A. Stubos, ‘Modeling and simulation supporting the application of fuel cell & hydrogen technologies’, J of Computational Science, vol. 27, p. 10-20 (2018). 5 S. G. Giannissi and A.G. Venetsanos, ‘Study of key parameters in modeling liquid hydrogen release and dispersion’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 43 (1), p. 455-467 (2018). 6 A.G. Venetsanos and S.G. Giannissi, ‘Release and dispersion modeling of cryogenic under-expanded hydrogen jets’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 42(11), p. 7672-7682 (2017). 7 D. Baraldi, D. Melideo, A. Kotchourko, K. Ren, J. Yanez, O. Jedicke, S.G. Giannissi, I.C. Tolias, A.G. Venetsanos, J. Keenan, D. Makarov, V. Molkov, S.Slater, F. Verbecke, A.Duclos, ‘Development of a model evaluation protocol for CFD analysis of hydrogen safety issues the SUSANA project’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 42(11), p. 7633-7643 (2017). 8 S.G. Giannissi, I.C. Tolias, A.G. Venetsanos, ‘Mitigation of buoyant gas releases in single-vented enclosure exposed to wind: Removing the disrupting wind effect’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 41(6), p. 4060-4071 (2016). 9 S.G. Giannissi, A.G. Venetsanos, N. Markatos, ‘CFD Modeling of LNG Spill: Humidity Effect on Vapor Dispersion’, J of Physics: Conference Series, 633, p. 12136-12142 (2015). 10 S.G. Giannissi, J.R. Hoyes, B. Chernyavskiy, P. Hooker, J. Hall, A.G. Venetsanos, V. Molkov, ‘CFD benchmark on hydrogen release and dispersion in a ventilated enclosure: Passive ventilation and the role of an external wind’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 40(19), p. 6465-6477 (2015). 11 S.G. Giannissi, V. Shentsov, D. Melideo, B. Cariteau, D. Baraldi, A.G. Venetsanos, V. Molkov, ‘CFD benchmark on hydrogen release and dispersion in confined, naturally ventilated space with one vent’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 40(5), p. 2415-2429 (2015). 12 S.G. Giannissi, A.G. Venetsanos, N. Markatos, J.G. Bartzis, ‘CFD modeling of hydrogen dispersion under cryogenic release conditions’, J of Hydrogen Energy, 39, p. 15851-15863 (2014). 13 S.G. Giannissi, A.G. Venetsanos, N. Markatos, J.G. Bartzis, ‘Numerical Simulation of LNG Dispersion under Two-Phase Release Conditions’, J of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 26, 1, p. 245-254 (2013).